How to say Farewell well

There are many ways – here is one, at the beautiful Matara Centre, Kingscote Park, near Nailsworth, Gloucestershire. The coffin was brought into a side room, where friends and family could sit with their beloved father/friend/colleague, and write a message on a...
The source of the ‘death taboo’

The source of the ‘death taboo’

  How did Britain change so drastically from a nation obsessed with death and funeral etiquette to one – until recently – so averse to any mention of the topic?  Firstly, Queen Victoria died, in 1901. Then came the War; thousands of young men swept in great...
Victorian Values

Victorian Values

  It has been said that a culture is either obsessed with sex or with death.   For the Victorians, it was death. Death in Victorian British culture was ever-present; elaborate death rituals sustained the living, and set the tone for a whole way of life....

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